Monday, March 28, 2011

Best Laid Plans

In my quest for answers, I have recently read the book “Ninety Minutes in Heaven” by Don Piper recommended by a close friend.  It is about a man who died for 90 minutes and came back to tell about it.  He was left for dead but believes that the power of prayer is what brought him back and kept him here.  It is the most convincing account of the hereafter I have ever read.   I have always wavered between believing and not believing in an afterlife but this book gave me pause for serious thought.
I have been told there are your plans and there are God’s plans. God helps those who help themselves.  Pray as though everything depended on God.  Work as though everything depended on you.  At this juncture, it has been three weeks since anyone has looked at our house.  Maybe I am “philosophically rationalizing” but it is starting to feel like there are forces keeping us right where we are.   I have also been reading stories of struggle and desperation written by people who are losing everything because they have lost their jobs and have health problems.   If you think about life on earth with all its struggles and strife, hardship and poverty, and the evil that exists, perhaps earth is hell with glimpses of heaven.  
No one knows where their journey is leading them and maybe you have to suffer more than you expected along the way but is there something more?  The answers aren’t clear but hindsight sometimes brings insight. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The New Normal in Process

These days when my husband comes home from his part time job he sounds upbeat.  Although he is not making the money he was before he lost his job, he can’t imagine going backward to the days he was working at a job he hated.  As for me, it has been so long since I worked in an office that I have developed a new perspective on what it is I want to do next.  My income will also decrease but I am hoping my next field of endeavor will bring me more satisfaction than mere dollar value.  Make no mistake.  We would have continued with the jobs we had indefinitely but because of lack of opportunity, ageism, and the circumstances we found ourselves in, we have been forced to rethink our lives.  I am moving in another direction and will post when that eventuality takes shape.

Different is the New Normal

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dedicated to Those Who Have Helped

Credit is due.  First of all, to our daughter who provided us with a car when the lease on our car expired.  Without jobs, we were unable to lease another car and we did not have the money to buy another one.  Next to my brother-in-law who volunteered to help us paint our house and power wash our deck when we decided to sell.  He also did a few repairs.  To another brother-in-law who offered us free access to outplacement services with his company.  To our friends who have checked in on a regular basis (you know who you are) to offer moral support through words and deeds.  Finally, to my readers for your positive feedback and interest in my blog.  You have buoyed us up during a very difficult (not to be confused with challenging) time.  I've always hated when the word "challenge" is used in place of the word "difficult."  If you look up the words "challenge" and "difficult" you will see the difference.  Let's call this what it is.  Thank you all for your loyal support.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We had our fifth open house on Sunday.  Two lookers stopped in and one neighbor.   One person went to school with my daughter and thought the house was cute.  But no offer.  I have resigned myself to being here longer than anticipated, at this rate, probably through at least the rest of this year.  We are going to have to accept the reality of diminishing further.  I will be entering Tier V pretty soon which means I hope I find underemployment (just like my husband).  Our income will be further reduced and I am not eligible to collect early social security.  We all have to make choices but for some of us, those choices aren’t good when you are caught in a recession.   As for the 99ers we weren't given a choice unless you want to call survive or die, a choice.  You decide.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This article gives advice to 99ers about how to be heard.  Just because our benefits have expired, doesn't mean we have.  We are not invisible.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Calling All 99ers to Unite and Act

Please see  link below.  Also see comment section under my post in February entitled, "For My Followers and Readers."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Guitar Man

Since we decided to move, I have been selling, giving away or throwing away many items in this house.  I came across a drawing my daughter had done of her high school boyfriend.  It consisted entirely of dots drawn together to compose a picture of him playing the guitar.   The drawing was entered into an art contest and received distinction in the Congressional Record.  Because they had gone their separate ways, she and I decided that he should be given the picture.   I drove to his house and he answered the door.  He invited me in and we talked for awhile.   I wasn’t surprised to know he is pursuing a musical career and teaching guitar.  As I was ready to leave he gave me a hug and I said, “High school.  Those were fun times.”  He told my daughter back then that my husband and I liked him more than she did.  I’m sure that was true.   I smiled as I left looking over my shoulder and started to feel sad.   It felt as though I was looking at him in my rear view mirror.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hope v. Desperation

The article below describes the desperation of many 99ers who have exhausted their benefits and hope.  There comes a limit.  This post is an expression of fear of what could lie ahead.  It's difficult to sustain optimism on a daily basis in this situation, also known as situational depression. 

Incidentally, I am having another birthday today.  Happy birthday to me?  My wonderful daughter is taking time off from work to treat me to lunch.

You take my life when you take the means whereby I live.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, The Merchant of Venice