Sunday, November 2, 2014

Three Years Later

Well, I'm back.  I am still substitute teaching but gave up the caregiver job for a few reasons.  First, the agency wanted me to pay $500 to train to become a certified home health aide in addition to paying for my certification and books.  Second, and most importantly, I was notified by social security that they overpaid me for making too much money.  The caregiver job put me around $3,000 over what I was supposed to make while taking early social security benefits.  They will be deducting money from my checks for the next 3 1/2 years as an alternative to paying it in one lump sum.

My husband is still working at the library through National Council on Aging which was taken over by another outfit.  He has to find another job when that job expires next year.

The school district I work for has limited me to working 4 days a week because they don't want to pay for health care.  I am working in another district to try to fill in the gaps whenever possible.

We are still living in our little house which we put back on the market five months ago.  We have found another place to live in Delaware contingent upon the sale of this house and closing before the end of the year which without an offer, thus far, doesn't seem likely.  Still, the thought of moving lock, stock and barrel after almost 35 years of living in the same house is daunting.

We are in a holding pattern and not able to get to where we want to go.  How we have managed to survive without going into debt, I can't even tell you except to say that you'd be surprised at how many things you can live without if you have to.  We're not starving and I've become quite adept at preparing economical, tasty and nutritious meals.

That is my story as it stands for now.

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