Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Job

My husband is starting a temporary, part-time, minimum wage, subsidized job at a local library.  He found this “band-aid on a gaping wound” through the National Coalition of Aging.   He is supposed to continue looking for a real job while he works.  It is better than nothing and I’m not complaining but merely stating the facts.   As mentioned in my previous post, the jobs that people are taking are subpar.  If you own a home, a car, a television, a computer, are educated and have put your children through college, how are you supposed to support yourself on minimum wage?  The simple answer is lower your standards; sell everything and move in with family or friends, or into a mobile home.   There are choices but they aren’t good ones. 
At least he can get back to being productive and useful. 


  1. I found two different groups: The National Council on Aging, and the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging. Did he find his job through the National Council on Aging? (just checking)

  2. Yes. The National Council on Aging (NCOA)
