Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Standing Still

Wanting to find some work in some capacity, I renewed my substitute teaching certification, fulfilling all the requirements and paying the fees.  I’ve applied to all the towns around me and have been told there is a glut of applicants.   The list of substitute teachers is so long that one town is no longer accepting applications.   There was a time when being a substitute teacher was a dreaded position.  Many people like me are turning to it in a last ditch effort to reenter the workforce.  Finding any job is like trying to win the lottery with much less return.   


  1. Hi TinyDancer..

    I just came across your blog today, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm with you.. I know the pain you and your husband are going through.

    I'm a former private school teacher, though I haven't taught in 8 years. I have also been advised to re-up my teaching certificate and apply for substitute jobs. But, as you have discovered, there is a glut of people applying for substitute teaching jobs, and people without any recent experience subbing or teaching will probably not be called.

    I hope it didn't cost you too much money to renew your certificate.

    I'm bookmarking your site... Keep writing!

    Have you considered adding Google Adsense ads to your blog? You wouldn't make much, but it is easy and free.. and who knows?

    I wish you and your husband the best.

  2. Thank you for your thoughts and support. I may add the ads eventually.
