Friday, January 14, 2011

The New Normal

The news media are reporting that more than half of the people who have been unemployed long term and have found jobs have taken a pay cut of 50%.  One-third have taken a pay cut of 20%.    Keep playing the lottery and entering Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
This article and the comments give me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.


  1. Tiny, I know.. the numbers of people who are employed but making much less money than they were a few years ago is very disturbing.. and those people aren't counted among the unemployed! The BLS' population survey doesn't ask if people are making more or less money than they were a year, two or three years ago.

  2. I know, the numbers are misleading. Getting back to work, but making much less is not status quo. People are having to settle for a lot less, better than nothing mind set.
